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- ' ************************************************
- ' * *
- ' * NutHouse 9 Last rev. Jan 25, 1985 *
- ' * by:Don Moore *
- ' * P.O.Box 1405 AmigaBasic *
- ' * Coconut Grove, Fl ie. Microsoft *
- ' * 856-8216 *
- ' * *
- ' ************************************************
- ' This program may be used with the keypad or mouse.
- '
- ' Selected number and adjacent numbers change simultaneously.
- GOSUB Initialize
- ' Set up matrix number's and
- ' get new game parameters
- Newgame:
- LOCATE 1,1
- COLOR 2,1
- PRINT PTAB(5);" All red to win ";
- Total = 0
- FOR Col = 1 TO 3
- FOR Row = 1 TO 3
- BlokColor(Row,Col) = INT(RND * 2)
- Total = Total + BlokColor(Row,Col)
- Digit(Col,Row) = Col + (3 - Row) * 3
- NEXT Row
- NEXT Col
- Choice = 5 'initializes all 9 keys
- GOTO Display
- Getnumber:
- WHILE Total <> WinningTotal
- Choice = INSTR(" 123456789",INKEY$) -1
- IF Choice > 0 THEN Display
- IF MOUSE(0) = 0 THEN Getnumber
- GetMouseNumber:
- x1 = INT( (MOUSE(1) + 32) / 40)
- y1 = 3 - INT( (MOUSE(2) + 3) / 15)
- IF MOUSE(0) <> 0 THEN GetMouseNumber
- IF ((x1 > 0) AND (x1 < 4)) AND ((y1 > -1) AND (y1 < 3)) THEN
- Choice = (( 3 * y1) +x1)
- GOTO Display
- GOTO Getnumber
- Display:
- FOR Row = (( Choice MOD 3) > 0 )+2 TO ((( Choice+2 ) MOD 3 ) = 0) +3
- FOR Col = ( Choice > 3 )+2 TO ( Choice > 6 ) + 3
- BlokColor(Row,Col) = (NOT BlokColor(Row,Col)) + 2
- Newcolor = BlokColor(Row,Col) + 2
- Total = Total + BlokColor(Row,Col) * 2 -1
- HorPos = Row * 40 -25
- VerPos = Col * 16 -2
- LINE(HorPos,VerPos)-STEP(BlokWdth,BlokHgt),Newcolor,bf
- LOCATE Col * 2 +1, Row * 5 -2
- COLOR BlokColor(Row,Col),Newcolor
- PRINT Digit(Row,Col);
- NEXT Col
- NEXT Row
- GOTO Getnumber
- ' Win routine, i.e. Total red buttons = 9
- COLOR 3,1
- LOCATE 1,1
- PRINT PTAB(5);"You are a winner ";
- FOR i = 1 TO 7
- SOUND i*400+500 ,.5
- NEXT i
- FOR i = 1 TO 2000: NEXT i
- GOTO Newgame
- Initialize:
- 'Darken screen
- FOR j = 0 TO 3
- PALETTE j,0,0,0
- NEXT j
- ' Constants
- DEFINT a-z
- BlokWdth = 26
- BlokHgt = 10
- WinningTotal = 9
- DigitColor = 1
- WINDOW 1,"Nutty 9",(10,10)-(147,73),30
- PALETTE 0,0,.4,.6
- PALETTE 1,1,1,1
- PALETTE 2,0,0,0
- PALETTE 3,.93,.2,0
- ' Background frame
- LINE(0,0)-(137,63),1,bf
- LINE(1,8)-(136,62),2,bf
- LINE(7,11)-(130,59),1,bf
- LINE(4,8)-(135,8),0
- LINE(135,8)-(136,61),0,bf
- LINE(5,10)-(6,60),0,bf
- LINE-(132,60),0
- 'Make keypad
- DIM b%(500)
- GOSUB MakeKey
- GET(10,12)-(47,26),b%
- FOR i= 0 TO 2
- FOR j= 0 TO 2
- PUT(j*40+10,i*16+12),b%,PSET
- NEXT j
- NEXT i
- RETURN ' End of Initialize
- MakeKey:
- LINE(10,12)-(47,26),2,bf
- LINE(12,12)-(45,12),0
- LINE-(45,25),0
- LINE(13,14)-(13,25),0
- LINE-(41,25),0